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About Deeksha

Deeksha or Oneness Blessing is a form of energy transfer originating in India. The energy is transferred through the hands much like in Reiki and Prana Nadi, however, in this case the emphasis is on directly raising one's awareness. Old patterns, perceptions get lifted, your relationship to yourself and to the people around you heal, and you gradually start to feel a deeper connection to everyone, the whole of humanity and the Earth... The vision of the founders of the movement - the Oneness Movement - is to free humanity from suffering and create a world of Oneness, a new Golden Age... It might sound utopistic, but all we have to do to do our own bit for the sake of this, is to work on ourselves and become happier.


The Sessions:

During the sessions we do a varying mixture of guided meditations, breathing and emotional release exercises. A big emphasis is put on working with the 7 main chakras: the energy centres that connect the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of the human being. We learn how to deal with emotional disturbances and let go of things of the past that do not serve us any longer. 

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